



Chongqing BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School 


Assessment Policy



重庆市巴蜀常春藤学校以“中西合璧 古今融通”的多元文化社区,培养公正诚朴、勤学好问、敢于担当、充满爱心、崇尚和平,有家国情怀和国际视野的全面发展的世界小公民。

We aim to build a multicultural educational community in which children are cultivated to be well rounded citizens of the world, with integrity and honesty, with diligence and curiosity, with responsibility and commitment, with kindness and generosity, with a peace-loving and patriotic mindset, bound to an international horizon.





1.     评估是为学生的学习提供可靠的反馈,对学生学习的证据进行收集,分析,反思并采取行动的过程,为教学提供信息。

2.     促进学生积极参与自主学习的评估和反思,并根据他人的评估意见采取行动,为下一步的学习提供信息前馈。

3.  全面关注学习的知识技能掌握、质疑能力、解决问题能力和独立合作能力,促进学生个性化发展和全面成长。

4.  为父母和法定监护人提供协助孩子学习的基础,更明确孩子的学习目标以及取得的进步,更明智的为孩子提供支持。



1.     评估的自然真实性原则。注重评估过程、评估证据的真实性,同时支持评估与现实世界的联系。

2.     评估的公平性原则。注重评估过程的公平公正,平等对待每一个学生。

3.     评估的多样化原则。注重评估方式的多样化,坚持多元评估的方式,强调综合评估以全面的了解不同学生的学习情况。

4.     评估的发展性原则。明确学生们的个人目标以及成功的标准,注重关注每一个学生的进步,而不是横向比较学生之间的差距。

5.     评估的平衡性原则。注重评估方式之间的比重,平衡各评估方式的利和弊,定期以团队协作的形式修改和完善评估政策以确保评估的平衡性。

6.     评估的互动性原则。注重评估中校长、老师、学生、家长之间的互动性,加强评估中的相互合作和沟通。

7.     评估的公开性原则。学校评估政策应面向全校师生、家长,让学习社区中每一个人都知晓、理解并提供支持。

8.     评估的学习性原则。评估应该被视为一种学习机会,在评估的过程中给与学生参与和反思的机会。









Wonder wall 问题墙:在学习和生活过程中,学生会有大量问题涌现出来,学校鼓励学生将自己的问题记录在问题墙上,并号召整个学习社区的成员(教师、家长、学生)帮助孩子们解答他们的疑惑,促进学生积极思考,留心生活。




记录学习是对学习证据的汇集。记录文档可以是多样化的。记录学习的资料要与他人分享,使得学习变得清晰可见。这会导致对学习的深入了解,并提供重新对接学习目标和成功之标准的机会。博物馆式小学将记录学习分为教师的记录和学生的记录。其中教师记录包括借助网络资源(如seesaw、班级优化大师、微信小打卡等等)来记录学生的成长,也通过实体BIA Student Growth Report的关注每一位学生的成长,记录成长小片段,当然也包括学生日常学习记录表。学生记录主要包括学生学习成长档案的收集和整理。主要包括以下几种记录方式:

BIA Student Growth Report博物馆式小学以IBPYP UOI探究单元为时间周期,采取导师supervisor责任制,私人定制关注每一位学生在本学习周期的成长变化。单元开始之前每一个学生在导师的陪伴下,结合十大培养目标,完成自我学习习惯和学习策略的细化目标,过程中导师关注学生的点滴变化,并与学生进行定期交流,记录成长过程。单元结束时,导师带领学生一起反思总结本单元的所得所获,目标达成情况等等,导师总结反思并记录学生的成长过程,与家长进行深度沟通,以促进学生个性化的成长。我们希望通过supervisor导师制来培养学生的目标感,引导学生有计划开展学习,同时善于反思和总结,增强学生的内驱力,做一个终身学习者。






真实情景评估learning celebration:爱因斯坦说“最重要的教育方法是鼓励学生去实际行动。”博物馆式小学鼓励学生去探究真实生活,解决真实生活中的实际问题。因此,基于真实情景的评估是博物馆式小学评估中的重中之重。我们采取小组合作的方式,从学习热忱、协同思考、深度理解三个维度开展真实情景的评估,以考察学生语言表达能力、沟通能力、逻辑思维能力、社交能力、创新思维能录、团队合作能力、批判性思维能力等超学科技能。
















Chongqing BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School 


Assessment Policy


重庆市巴蜀常春藤学校以“中西合璧 古今融通”的多元文化社区,培养公正诚朴、勤学好问、敢于担当、充满爱心、崇尚和平,有家国情怀和国际视野的全面发展的世界小公民。

We aim to build a multicultural educational community in which children are cultivated to be well rounded citizens of the world, with integrity and honesty, with diligence and curiosity, with responsibility and commitment, with kindness and generosity, with a peace-loving and patriotic mindset, bound to an international horizon.

The core of evaluation is to help teachers understand students' learning more deeply and help students find some problems in their learning more rationally by collecting information from students and teachers in the process of learning and teaching, so that the bilateral behavior of teachers and students can be adjusted. Therefore, evaluation is regarded as a crucial part of teaching in BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School. In the process of evaluation, we insist on the pre-test, middle-test and post-test. While combining formative evaluation and summative evaluation, we pay more attention to personalized formative evaluation. By using visual evaluation evidence, we encourage members of the whole learning community including parents, students and teachers to value the growth of students, that is, the progress made by individuals, we also pay attention to students' reflection, learning attitude and effective actions.

The following aims and principles are followed in the development of the evaluation policy of BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School.



Purpose of the assessment:

1. assessment is a process of providing reliable feedback for students' learning by collecting, analyzing and reflecting on the evidence of students' learning, and taking relevant actions, which provides information for teaching.

2.  Students are encouraged to actively participate in the assessment and reflection of autonomous learning, and take actions according to the assessment opinions of others for further study.

3.  What we concern is the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the ability of questioning and problem-solving, the cultivation of self-independence and cooperation. What we aim for is individual development and all-round growth.

4.  We assist students' parents and legal guardians in helping with their children’s learning. We believe once they understand the learning goals and progress, they will provide practical support for their children.


Principles of assessment:

1.  The principle of naturalness and authenticity. We emphasize the authenticity of assessment process and evidence, and we are encouraged to assess the connection between assessment and the real world.

2.  The principle of fairness. We seek to create a fair and impartial environment where every student is treated equally.

3.  The principle of diversification. We value diversity and insist on multiple evaluation methods because we believe this helps us to reach an overall understanding of the learning situation of different students.

4.  The principle of development. We understand students' personal goals and how they define success, and value the progress of each student rather than focusing on achievement gap.

5.  The principle of balance. We pay attention to the share of each evaluation method and carefully examine their advantages and disadvantages. We as a team regularly modify and update the evaluation policy to ensure the balance of evaluation.

6.  The principle of interaction. We encourage the interaction among principals, teachers, students and parents because we understand the importance of cooperation and communication.

7.  The principle of openness. We believe the school evaluation policy should be oriented to all teachers, students and parents, so that everyone in the learning community know, understand and support it.

8.  The principle of learning. We regard assessment as an opportunity to learn. We encourage students to participate and reflect during the process of assessment.


How do we assess students?

The assessment policy of BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School should be oriented to every member of the whole learning community, including teachers, parents and students. School teachers should understand and implement the assessment according to the relevant requirements. The faculty should publicize this policy to all parents and ensure that parents understand it. Also, this assessment document should not be put aside; instead, it ought to be reviewed from time to time to and be referred to where reflection on the assessment in the teaching process is required. In order to better serve the teaching and learning, the faculty should be open to suggestions from the members of the learning community every year, and adjust the assessment policy accordingly.

The assessment policy of BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School is based on the current assessment documents of IB, which mainly includes four aspects: monitoring learning, documenting learning, measuring learning and reporting on learning. The details of each aspect are as follows:


Monitoring Learning     

Monitoring learning accounts for the vast majority of the whole evaluation of BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School. It aims to check students' learning progress according to their learning goals and success criteria. We use a variety of evaluation strategies to monitor learning every day, and this takes place in every moment and every aspect of teaching. We pay attention to the individual growth of students, and use regular feedback to promote students' learning within each unit. The following are the main manifestations of monitoring learning:

Personal learning objectives: Before unit learning, we will guide each student to reflect on their previous learning and set the goal of unit learning. As a supervisor, the teacher continuously pays attention to the students' achievement of goals in the learning process of the whole unit, and reflects on the problems they often encounter together with the students, so as to increase the motivation and the ability of introspection.

Class routine evaluation: Class routine evaluation is used to assess students' daily learning, including learning habits, personality development, learning behavior, etc. We carry out the regular class evaluation by using a variety of APPs such as Classdojo, WeChat Attendance, etc. In addition, the top 10 training objectives are taken as the direction and focus of the assessment. Students are encouraged and guided to become learners with the characteristics of IB's top ten training objectives.

Wonder wall: Students constantly face all kinds of challenges in their study and life. The school encourages students to record the problems on the wonder wall, and calls on members of the whole learning community (teachers, parents and students) to help children resolve their doubts. By doing so, students learn to think actively, and become aware of themselves and the surroundings. 

Students' growth experience: In addition to developing students' social skills and self-management ability, routine observation records can also promote the achievement of the top ten training objectives of IB learners. Each student has a monthly observation record where teachers present the students' growth in each stage and also give suggestions.


Documenting Learning

Documenting learning is a collection of learning evidence. Documenting documents can be diverse. Only by sharing the learning materials of documenting learning with others can the learning process become clear and visible to students. It can also provide students with the opportunity to relate learning objectives with success criteria. BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School divides documenting learning into teacher's record and student's record. Teacher's record includes teachers using online resources such as seesaw, Class dojo, WeChat Attendance, etc. to record students' growth. Also, we use “BIA Student Growth Report” to note down each student's growth by recording their daily episodes and story of learning. Meanwhile, students' records involve collecting and sorting students' learning and growth files, and they are formulated with the following recording methods:

BIA Student Growth Report: BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School adopts the supervisor responsibility system. During one IBPYP UOI inquiry unit, we care about each individual growth and change of all students. Before the start of each unit, each student, with the help of a supervisor, completes the detailed goals of self-learning habits and learning strategies based on the top ten training objectives. In this process, the supervisor notes the changes students experience, regularly communicates with them, and records the growth process of students. At the end of each unit, the supervisor guides the students to reflect on and summarize the learning gains and goal achievement. The supervisor is responsible for summarizing, reflecting on and recording the growth process of students, and conducting in-depth communication with students' parents to promote the individual growth of students. By using this system, we support our students to become lifelong learners, with a sense of purpose, who stick with their learning schedule and practice self-reflection regularly.

Personal growth files: BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School aims to keep complete and continuous records and learning evidence for students' whole learning experience in school with students' personal growth files, which are a collection of students' works. A series of representative works or assignments demonstrate the specific performance of students throughout the semester. Students can reflect with teachers, parents, and peers on their own strength and where the improvement is needed. Accordingly, further teaching and learning plan can be formulated. The learning files are arranged within every UOI unit by both teachers and students, and are displayed to parents on various occasions such as Parents' meeting. The Learning files mainly include the following materials: unit objectives, unit homework samples, personal questions and daily learning materials samples, unit performance evaluation related materials, evidence of development in different disciplines, unit reflection, etc. The school also collates and collects students' files in electronic forms mainly with the aid of Seesaw. The school keeps the students' growth files for each semester, which will be handed over to their parents when they graduate.


Measuring Learning             

Measuring learning aims at understanding what students have learned by a certain time, and is generally carried out after teaching activities are completed in order to assess the outcome of teaching activities. One example is the examination and assessment of various subjects held at the end of the semester and the end of the academic year, which aims to test whether the students' studies have finally reached the requirements of the teaching objectives of these subjects. The measuring learning in BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School mainly includes four aspects: unit performance assessment, unit knowledge and skills assessment, learning celebration and final summary assessment.

Unit performance assessment: Unit knowledge and skill assessment. Teachers assess students ‘knowledge and skills during or at the end of the learning period of each unit, and see how well students have learned the contents, thereby preparing for further learning and teaching activities.

Learning celebration: As Einstein said, "the most important method of education is to encourage students to take practical actions." BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School encourages students to explore the real world and solve practical problems in real life. Therefore, the evaluation based on the real situation is the crucial part of the assessment of our school. We encourage students to work in groups, and assess learning celebration from the three dimensions: learning enthusiasm, collaborative thinking and in-depth understanding, We expect significant improvement of students' interdisciplinary skills including language skills, communication skills, logical thinking skills, social skills, innovative thinking skills, teamwork skills, and critical thinking skills.

Final summative evaluation: Given that students in BI Academy Exploratory Primary Model School need to meet the requirements of China's national curriculum, the school has adjusted the examination according to the PYP curriculum framework for the sake of well-being of the students. The final summative evaluation involves summative written evaluation and subject literacy evaluation. Neither the result of the written evaluation will be published nor will there be any kind of ranking. All the data is accessible to teachers, students and parents and is used for analysis only to prepare students and teachers for further learning and teaching activities.

Reporting on Learning  

BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School update the learning community on the learning situation of learners and answer the question of how well we are doing by using various forms of reporting learning. In the report, the progress and achievement of students in learning should be described, and the areas where students need to improve should be pointed out, which will help to improve the effectiveness of primary school projects. The report should provide clear and useful information to parents. Our report is mainly presented in the following forms:

Teacher's comments: At the end of each semester, the teacher writes the comments on the students. In the comments, the overall situation of children's study in this semester needs to be described, the specific progress made by them need to be pointed out, and the suggestions for improvement need to be put forward.

Growth report: For each UOI unit, there are supervisors responsible for tracking students' learning behavior and producing a growth report for each student. Each semester, students receive three growth reports in total.

Subject learning report: The final grade of each subject in the summative evaluation and the students' daily learning status make up subject assessment reports. This report is then provided to students and parents so that they can understand the situation of learners and provide support for students' follow-up study.

Open day for parents: Open day for parents is held once a year. During the period, parents together with the students participate in the experience course and other activities. The purpose of setting up the open day for parents is to give parents the opportunity to see their children's learning with their own eyes, and to give children the opportunity to show what they have learned to their parents. The school encourage parents to become part of the evaluation process, assessing the learning of students and providing effective feedback.

Parents meeting: The school will hold regular parent meetings, including online& offline parent meetings, offline exhibitions, one-on-one consultations, tripartite consultations, etc., thereby maintaining communication and keeping parents up to date with their children.

A letter to parents: In order to engage the members of the home-school community in children's learning, the coordinator shares the central idea, inquiry clues, important concepts, evaluation methods, unit related knowledge links and so on at the beginning of each UOI unit.     

Note: It is the duty of all teachers at the school to revise and review the school's evaluation policy together every year to support students' learning.



IB document: “Learning and Teaching”- evaluation in primary school projects.