











学生人数:截至20217月— 小学部共有510名学生




巴蜀常春藤学校PYP项目的语言政策,目的在于培养出勤学好问,知识渊博,富有爱心的,有国际情怀的终身学习者。作为以IB的十大培养目标为教育导向,我们希望培养出来的学生是能够运用一种以上的语言,并能在多种多样的交流模式中,有自信心和包容心地去理解并表达思想观点及信息,能够有效地与他人合作,努力成为open-minded, caring,creative,和善于表达的国际公民。



-       第一语言实施

1.     教学支持学生的中文发展:学校以中文作为教学的主语言,几乎全学科都是以中文来进行教学语言。学校里的所有老师都会中文,所有的老师都是语言教学者,保证能用流利的中文和学生进行交流、沟通。促进学生规范的语言发展。

2.     课时保证中文的学习发展:每天一节语文课、每周一节书法课,保证了中文学习的有序性,全天的其他课程,除开英语、外教课之外,几乎都是以中文为教学语言。

3.     阅读支持学生的中文发展:学校的图书馆里有大量的中文藏书,满足孩子的各级中文阅读。以中文为主语言大力推进课外阅读,保证每个孩子每天有足够的中文阅读时间,

4.     活动支持学生的中文发展:以语文学科为主开展各种中文类的活动,每周的晨会展示、传统节日的活动课、春藤故事会等等,为学生提供中文使用的平台,促进中文的学习和发展。

5.     社团支持学生的中文发展:书法社、朗读社团等中文的兴趣特长社团的开设,为中文的进一步学习和发展提供了更多的支持。

-       第二语言实施

1.     用语言来促进达成学校的培养者目标 — 根据学校的语言政策,为了全方位地营造语言氛围,学校提倡持续的语言实践来让学生成为保有富有同情心的人,有原则的人,敢于冒险的人,全面发展的人,并以此来建立交流者的语言档案。

2.     认识到并支持学生们的语言发展 — 确保所有学生都能获得良好的语言环境和必要的语言辅导,所有教师都被视作为语言老师,将母语为最根本的交流工具,同时也将外语视为重要的交流语言,并努力创造语言环境,用这两种语言与学生进行日常交流和辅导。

3.     为学生营造双语学习的社区文化建设 — 学校的公共区域,如食堂,教学楼梯间,教室布置,功能室布置,寝室宿舍,标识标牌都有全英文的装饰,或者或者装饰。

4.     为大部分母语为中文的学生提供全外语的语境 — 学校制定每周五为英语日,在英语日当天,所有教职员工和学生都必须以英语进行交流,部分特殊职位,如食堂工作人员,清洁员能适当用中文进行指导或指引。

5.     推广第二语言阅读 — 语言的学习不仅局限于语言课堂之上,还密切地涉及到学校图书馆/传媒中心,英语阅读室等其他课堂的学习,分别做到提供60%100%的英文原本读物供学生进行课外阅读。

6.     促进第二语言的实际运用 — 学校的双语课程项目开设,如双语科学课,由中交外教一起进行,旨在将原版地科学教材以及全球最权威的科学前沿知识带给孩子们;学校开设的英语课程的比重为各学科最高,一周4节中教课,2节外教课,一周1-2节英语晨读,2门英语兴趣课,外教口语和英语阅读课;还有每个年级一周的英语额外辅导课;学校保证每个班每周有一天的午间阅读课程在图书馆里进行。

7.     激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生提供展示品台 — 学校积极组织各种级别的英语赛事,比如学校开展了校内的英语拼读大赛,也积极指导学生参加全国的希望之星和21世纪杯演讲比赛,还指导学生参加全球英语赛事-常春藤口语比赛等。旨在通过不同平台给学生提供展示机会,同时也刺激学生的内在学习动力。


语言政策修订政策 :

1. 检查文件记录。学校IB团队每个学期会检查更新IB发布的文件,包括Guidelines for developing a school language policy (IB, 2008) , Guidelines for school self-reflection on its language policy (IB, 2012) , Language and learning in IB programmes (IB, 2011) , A learning story about how a school’s language policy supports multilingualism in a culturally diverse community (IB, 2012) 。并且跟学校的语言政策进行比对,以做更新和调整。协调员会根据调整更新需要,跟所有的利益相关者,包括,学生,

2. 根据修改计划,将所有的详细步骤(包括参与参与者,关键修改地方,每一部分修改项目的领导者,对照的相关文件,修改小组等)用时间轴把每个时间点详细标注好,并将计划表同所有的跟语言政策修改相关的文件都存在共享文件夹中,协调员负责监控和支持。

3. 制定好修改计划以后,学校的所有利益相关者开始进行语言政策的修改,在修改过程中按照feedback ladder, 按照suggestions – concerns – value – clarify-start 的顺序进行修改,确保每个人、每个角度的意见和观点都被充分听取。

4. IB协调员根据前面阶段收集到的反馈,开始更新学校的语言政策。

5. 更新修订好语言政策以后,将语言政策在共享文件夹更新,并且通知学生,家长,老师。一起设定新的语言目标。 


Chongqing BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School 


Language Policy


School context

Based on the educational concept of combining Chinese and western education and laying the foundation for students' learning capacity, Chongqing BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School combines the advantages of Chinese basic education and Western learning science, integrates international curriculum, and uses advanced "exploratory curriculum", "five senses curriculum" and "brain science curriculum" to realize transdisciplinary learning by creating an international exploratory future school. The primary school is planned to set up 6 grades, each grade contains 10 classes, each class contains 30 students. At present, the primary school consists of 4 grades and 17 classes.


Language policy practice:


Language, as a medium of communication, is everywhere in our life. In addition to supporting and strengthening our thinking and understanding, language is also the key to the smooth development of all campus activities, which is reflected in all aspects of international schools, including education and teaching, campus community culture, teacher-student exchanges, etc. In the process of learning, it includes learning the language, learning about the language, and learning through the language, which provides an intellectual framework for students to support the development of concepts and critical thinking. The school ensures that every student can learn more than one language at school, so that students can benefit from foreign language learning, understand different cultures and views, and cultivate international feelings. At the same time, while carrying out foreign language teaching, the school ensures that the status of mother tongue in school language learning will not be weakened. Not only the development of mother tongue is very important for the improvement of students' cognitive ability and the maintenance of cultural identity, but also mother tongue can enhance students' multicultural awareness and understanding, and enable students to maintain and respect the language, literature and culture of their motherland. Therefore, all teachers in the school are regarded as language teachers in PYP project of BI Academy Exploratory Model Primary School, which aims to create a caring language learning community.


Current language situation:

Number of students: As of July 2020, there are 510 students in the primary school.

Students' Hometown: Chinese mainland, Hong Kong of China, Canada.

Chinese is regarded as the first language in our school, which is also the mother tongue of most students. English is regarded as the second language in our school, which is the mother tongue of some students. Our school has always believed that mother tongue plays an important role in supporting students' learning, understanding and mastering the second language and the cultural awareness contained in the second language. Therefore, while continuing to provide strong support for mother tongue teaching, our school also actively provides support for the development of students' second language.



The purpose of language policy of PYP project of BI Academy Exploratory Primary Model School is to cultivate lifelong learners who are hardworking, good at questioning, knowledgeable, caring and international. Taking the learner profiles of IB as the education orientation, we hope that the students we cultivate are international citizens who can use more than one language, understand and express their ideas as well as information confidently and inclusively in a variety of communication modes, meanwhile they are open-minded, caring, creative and expressive and they can effectively cooperate with others.



-       Implementation of the first language

1.  The development of students' Chinese language is supported by teaching: Chinese is regarded as the main language of teaching in the school, and Chinese is regarded as the teaching language of almost all subjects. All teachers in the school are good at Chinese and are language teachers, so they can use fluent Chinese to communicate with students and promote the development of students' standard language.

2.  The development of Chinese learning is guaranteed by class hours: The arrangement that a Chinese class is carried out every day and a calligraphy class is carried out every week ensures the order of Chinese learning. Chinese is almost used as the teaching language in other courses except English and foreign teachers' classes.

3.  Students' Chinese development is supported by reading: A large number of Chinese books in the school library can meet the children's reading needs of Chinese at all levels. The school takes Chinese as the main language to vigorously promote extracurricular reading, so as to ensure that every student has enough Chinese reading time every day.

4.  Students' Chinese development is supported by activities: All kinds of Chinese activities based on the subject of Chinese, including weekly morning meeting display, traditional festival activity class, Ivy story meeting and so on, provide a platform for students to use Chinese, which can promote students' Chinese learning and development.

5.  Students' Chinese development is supported by clubs: The establishment of specialty clubs such as Calligraphy Club and Reading Club provides more support for students to further study and development of Chinese.


-       Implementation of the second language

1.  Language is used to promote the learner profile. Based on the school's language policy, the school advocates continuous language practice in order to create a comprehensive language atmosphere, so that students can become compassionate, principled, risk-taking, balanced peoplewhich in return helps to build language archives of communicators.

2.  Students' language development is recognized and supported. In order to ensure that all students can get a good language environment and necessary language guidance, not only all teachers are regarded as language teachers, but also mother tongue is regarded as the most fundamental communication tool. At the same time, foreign language is regarded as an important communication language, and teachers strive to create a language environment and use these two languages to communicate with students and provide guidance.

3.  The community culture of students' bilingual learning is created. Decoration in English is included in the public areas of the school, such as canteen, stairs of teaching building, classroom, function room, dormitory, and signs.

4.  Chinese speaking students, who make up a large proportion of all the students, are provided with an all foreign language context. The school sets every Friday as English day. On the day of English day, all teaching and administrative staff and students must communicate in English. It is allowed to instruct or guide some staff in special positions, such as canteen staff and cleaners, in Chinese.

5.  Second language reading is promoted. In addition to the language classroom, language learning is closely related to the school library, media center, English reading room and other classroom learning. They provide 60% and 100% of the original English reading materials for students to read after class.

6.  The practical use of the second language are promoted. Bilingual courses such as bilingual science are offered by both Chinese and foreign teachers, aiming to bring the original science textbooks and the world's most authoritative scientific frontier knowledge to children; The proportion of English courses offered by the school is the highest in all subjects. In a week, there are four classes taught by Chinese teachers, two classes taught by foreign teachers, one or two English morning reading classes a week, two English featured classes, oral English and English reading classes provided by foreign teachers. In addition, each grade has an extra week of English tutoring. The school aims to ensure that the noon reading course of each class is conducted at least one day in the library each week.

7.  Students' interest in learning is stimulated and students are provided with a platform to show. The school actively organizes various levels of English competitions, such as the school English spelling competition. At the same time, the school actively guides students to participate in the National Star of Outlook and 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition, as well as Ivy Cup Oral Contest and other global English competitions. The school aims to use different platforms to provide students with opportunities to show and stimulate their internal learning motivation.

Revision of language policy:

1. Records of documents are checked. The IB team of the school checks and updates the documents released by IB every semester, including Guidelines for developing a school language policy (IB, 2008) , Guidelines for school self-reflection on its language policy (IB, 2012) , Language and learning in IB programmes (IB, 2011) , A learning story about how a school’s language policy supports multilingualism in a culturally diverse community (IB, 2012) . In addition, the documents released by IB are compared with the language policy of the school for updating and adjusting. According to the need of adjustment and updating, the coordinator will make the revision plan after communicating and coordinating with all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers.

2. According to the revision plan, the timeline is used to mark each time point in all the detailed steps (including participants, key revisions, leaders of each part of the revision project, relevant documents for comparison, revision team, etc.), and the schedule and all the documents related to language policy revision are stored in the shared folder. The coordinator is responsible for monitoring and support.

3. All stakeholders of the school begin to revise the language policy after the revision plan is made. In the process of revision, they revised the policy in the order of feedback ladder,  and based on the process of suggestions - concerns - value - clarify - start, to ensure that everyone's suggestions and opinions are fully listened to.

4. IB coordinator starts to update the school's language policy based on the feedback collected in the previous stage.

5. After the language policy is updated and revised, it is updated in the school shared folder, and students, parents and teachers are informed to set new language goals together.